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In this month's First Friday Webinar we are continuing our system training series with Document Management.

Upcoming Enhancements (Releasing end of October)

  • Doc Set Updates from Admin Config & In-Container (Contract Type) will correctly update the Doc Set applied to the Container
  • Additional Access Users unable to see Notes under the Tab in a Container will be able to again
  • Cancellation Date on Recurring Contracts will now properly stop future Renewal/Notify By Dates from being created, and sending Milestones on Cancelled Contracts

Document Sets – Administration Configuration

  • Used to ensure certain documents are always submitted with a Contract, as well as making it easier to report and track down any missing documents on older Contracts
  • Similar to Workflow, defaulted based on Contract Type
  • Based off your pre-existing Document Categories, and can be set to:
    • Required – Cannot submit a new Contract without uploading
    • Requested – Will receive a warning message if not uploaded, but can submit without and added at a later date
    • Optional – No warnings or ability to report on missing, but displays a Doc Set tile to help “guide” Users to upload certain documents if they have them

Document Sets – On Entry & Inside a Container

  • Tiles will appear on the Document Upload page
  • Once inside the Container, any missing Requested Documents will cause the Attachments Tab count to show as Red
  • You can fill missing Tiles by either using the standard Upload, or clicking right on the Tile
  • When adding new Documents, the most recent Version of a Document will automatically be added to the Doc Set Tile, but you can also add an entirely New Document by using the Update Doc Set Tile checkbox

Document Templates – Administration Configuration

  • UCM has Classic & Library Templates, although Library are the preferred option now
  • Best to have all your Fields/Field Groups set up before you create a Template, but you can edit later
  • If you have updates to an existing Template, you can simply replace the existing one with a new File, thereby keeping the name and everything the same, just updating the Document contents itself
  • Favorites allow Users to tab their most used Templates, and even filter down to only see those. Setting a Favorite from the Admin area will set this as a Favorite for ALL Users, but they can still un-Favorite if they don’t regularly use that Template

Document Templates – On Entry & Inside a Container

  • Templates can be used to initiate a New Contract Entry, allowing Read-Only Users to submit Contracts without having the ability to edit after
  • If you do not use Templates, you can remove that step on Entry
  • Any Templates created that are in a Category connected to a Doc Set will be applied on the next page
  • From inside a Container’s Attachment Tab, can create additional Templates based on the Container Data
  • Using the checkboxes near the data, you can either allow any updates information to also update the Container Data, or just appear on the Document itself


  • UCM has two options:
    • OnlyOffice – most commonly used, as it is web based, meaning there are no installs or IT involvement, but is a Word-like software, not Word in its entirety
    • AceOffix – older Edit-in-Cloud option that requires a local install, however it aliases your local version of Word, meaning you have all features
  • Read-Only Users cannot Edit-In-Cloud, but there are ways to trim a Full-Access User down to essentially Read-Only for system Data, but then giving them the ability to Edit-in-Cloud

eSignature ($)

  • UCM connects with Docusign & Adobe Sign, however you do need a separate subscription with them
  • Connector allows you to directly send Documents from UCM to the eSignature platform, and then bring the signed document back
  • System options allow for the unsigned version of the Document be replaced with the Signed when it is brought back, helping to keep the total count of documents lower

Document Backup

  • Document Backups are delivered in a Zip File
  • Documents can either be backed up from a single Container, or multiple Containers from the Attachments tab in the Enterprise Ribbon
  • Backups need to be run from a View, even if you are doing an “All Document” backup
  • There is a limit of 200 Documents(or 1GB of data) that can be backed-up at one time, however if you need to back-up more, you can contact UCM Support and we can lift that restriction for a time
    • We prefer large Document Backups be done during off hours as to not impact system performance